Oliver is 12

This past year has truly been an incredible and exciting time for Oliver. Middle School has brought him new experiences and challenges, and he has embraced them all with enthusiasm. He has enjoyed participating in band, traveling to various places, playing soccer, and spending quality time with family and friends. If there is one thing Ollie knows how to do exceptionally well…it is having fun. He has such a joyful and happy spirit, and he really enjoys trying out new things, while being outdoors as much as possible. With his great sense of humor, he has a unique talent for making us laugh and brightening our days.

As we approach another year, it is hard to ignore that our little boy is maturing; it feels like only one more year until the teenage years arrive. Depending on the day, I find myself wondering what to call him—little boy or little man? It has been amazing to witness him navigate Middle School with confidence, transforming into a student who genuinely cares about his own progress and grades. He has taken on the role of a little percussionist and can often be found tapping on anything and everything within reach. This year, he also tried futsal for the first time and is eagerly looking forward to the spring soccer season with his team. He has developed great friendships at school, and we couldn’t be more proud of the young man he is becoming.

Happy 12th Birthday, Oliver James!!!