Charlotte's Wild 7th Birthday Party


This weekend we got 'wild' and had an animal/safari/jungle party for Charlotte's 7th birthday. Family came over for pizza and cake on Sunday, but on Saturday Charlotte had 2 of her cousins and a handful of friends from school over for some food, fun and games. The kids made animal ears, learned about cheetahs, did the limbo, coconut bowled, made their own pizzas and ate way too much cake.

It is hard to believe that Charlotte was born 7 years ago. She has grown up so much this past year. She already has the theme for her 8th birthday party figured out so tune in 12 months from now for those pictures...haha!

Charlotte is 7!

Charlotte turns 7 today. She is our bright, energetic, and always busy little lady. Charlotte has really taken off this year in school and was recently sent to the principal's office to share a piece on elephants that she wrote. She enjoys making things and always has new ideas about what she can create next. She's a great leader at home and she really tries to love her brother and teach him as much as she can along the way. Can't wait to see all of the great things you do!

A Mighty Machines 5th Birthday Party

We spent Saturday afternoon celebrating Oliver and his 5th birthday. We had family and a handful of friends from Oliver's school stop by to help us with all of the fun. Oliver is into mighty machines (think heavy equipment) these days, so we put together a party including all things construction and then some. We all had a blast and still can't believe our little guy is 5.

Oliver is 5!


We took our little monkey to the Cincinnati Zoo to take his 5 year old pictures this past week. Ollie is wrapping up his preschool career and looking forward to being at the same school as Charlotte next year. Ollie is our sensitive, caring, little man who enjoys being with is family and his pets. He's been picking up on his letter sounds lately and he can't wait to read books like his sissy. We love you Oliver and can't wait to see all the great things you do and learn this year!

Happy Valentine's Day 2018

We had a fun time with the kids this year. We headed to the Cincinnati Nature Center to get some shots of Oliver and Charlotte. Crazy to think about how much they've grown up this past year. They love each other a lot and these pictures sure do demonstrate that.

We picked up Charlotte from school on Valentine's Day and headed to a new bowling alley in town. Lots of fun and a great place to bring a family. Then we headed to our traditional Valentine's Day spot, Sweet Frog, for ice cream. They both got slime. Oliver got a ball shooter that we put together and Charlotte got DIY bath bombs. Since then, balls have been shot and baths have been bombed.

Happy Valentine's Day!