Trees, trees and more trees

We headed back to Corsi Tree Farm this year to pick out a tree for this Christmas season. It was a nice day in the mid 50’s so we were able to spend some extra time wandering around the farm and really scoping out all of the possibilities. We found the perfect tree, cut it down and drug it back to be bailed up. The kids picked out candy, we checked out the barnyard animals and strapped the tree to the car and brought it home.

On Saturday morning we checked out the new Grinch movie and the kids ended their day at Coney Island with Gibby and Paula to check out the lights.

Then Sunday evening, Gibby and Grandpa came over and helped us decorate the tree.

We have several holiday traditions at the Hess house and we are off to another great start this season already.

Merry Christmas!

Thanksgiving Day Run!!!

When you realize the kids race starts at 8:30am when you thought it began at 9am, you get to race a little bit before for the actual race begins. For Oliver it meant that in 60 minutes time, he woke up, had clothes thrown on him, jumped in the car, drove to the city in record time, ran the kids race and got a medal…not a bad way to start Thanksgiving Day.

For us and many other 21st century families, we sometimes run at a break neck speed. There are seasons of life that are fast and seasons of life that are slow. There are times when we rest and times when we don’t. But this morning I’m thankful for family. Certainly the grandparents, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and the list goes on and on, but I’m talking about my family. My wife Melissa, who is beautiful, gracious, kind, wise, believing, friend, strong, gentle, faithful. compassionate, and so much more. And for my kids who remind me every day of how much God loves me as his child.

So remember that today, that whether in abundance or few or happy or sad or cancer or no cancer or rich or poor or one and on it goes. But remember that before you are anything else, that you are a child of God. You can be a great husband, but remember that you are a child of God first. Be the best architect, but remember that you are a child of God first. Be the best student, single parent, trash man or CEO. Be this or be that, but remember who you belong to first and above all else.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dancing, Pumpkins and Halloween

Now that Ollie is in Kindergarten he gets to take part in things like Mother & Son dances at school. The event was just before Halloween, so costumes were encouraged. It was an opportunity for Oliver to test out his magician costume and to see if he could pull a big pink bunny out of his hat. Oliver picked Skyline for his special dinner with mommy and even got Sweet Frog afterwards. Charlotte got to spend the night at Grandpa and Gibby’s house, so everyone was happy.

A couple days before Halloween, we headed back to Grandpa and Gibby’s to carve pumpkins. Oliver made his own creation out of a small green pumpkin about the size of a softball. Charlotte’s was much larger and she picked out a cat patterns that turned out well. Oliver helped me drill holes in mine and Grandpa took care of Melissa’s because she was busy snapping photos. We had great food and ended the night watching the 2018 Battle Bots Finals. Spolier Alert…Bite Force won the giant nut.

On Halloween night, Laura came over for dinner, dressed as Flo from Progressive. Unlike the past few Halloweens, no one was under the weather so Melissa and Laura walked with the kids and I stayed back to greet all of our neighbors. It was a rainy night, but at least it wasn’t cold. Happy Halloween!

Fall weekends are for fun

Fall is busy for our family and your is probably similar. Last weekend we were able to couple a work trip Jay had with a little bit of fun in Columbus, Ohio. If you haven’t been to Cosi in a while, you need to. Our membership at the Cincinnati Children’s Museum got us in for free and we spent most of the day playing and learning.

We had two birthday parties this weekend as well, but also found time to make our annual trip to Shaw Farm for pumpkins, a corn maze and everything else they offer. We conquered the corn maze together and celebrated with Chinese food of course. Here is to making fun, family memories.

How do you like them apples?

A couple of weekends ago we headed out to a local apple orchard that has become a family tradition since out time back in Ohio. Due to an indian summer, we left our sweaters and flannel back home in exchange for a little bit of sweat on our brow. The weather didn’t feel very fall-ish, but picking apples always feel right. Ollie, who demands his apples at home be peeled, could be found chomping on apples fresh off of the limb. We had fun as a family walking around the farm and enjoying the time together. Next stop, the pumpkin farm. We are glad that you are here Fall.