Beach 2023

In June we took a trip to visit Grandpa and Tiki’s house in North Carolina. We got to spend time kayaking on the lake and playing at the beach. Everyone had a great time!

Charlotte is 12

dozen | ˈdəz(ə)n |

Twelve years ago we were heading to the doctor’s office for a weekly visit. Charlotte’s due date was March 5th and our Bradley Method birthing coach made sure to remind all of the first time moms in our class that they should add 10 days to their due date. As it turns out, the science of divining due dates 1) isn’t an exact science and 2) first borns average being born about 10 days late. Of course all of the first time moms in the class had this idyllic picture in their minds and were certain their baby would arrive on their due date, but when March 5th came and went, those wise words from our birthing coach began to echo in our minds.

We were doing all of the typical hacks to coax Charlotte into her arrival. Some I’ll mention and some I won’t…haha. Taking walks, bouncing on yoga balls, even ordering the Eggplant Parm from a local restaurant in Richmond, VA which claimed their delicious dish would induce labor. They got our $18.95, but we didn’t get a baby…at least not yet. They closed in June of 2022, probably due to false advertising lawsuits :)

Back to the regularly scheduled doctor appointment. At the time, doctors didn’t like to get more than 2 weeks past a due date before inducing labor. While it was a mutual decision, Melissa, the one who would endure the actual labor, decided to deliver naturally and so I’ll spare the details, but after our appointment, they said, “you are ready to deliver this baby.” You can read Charlotte’s entire birth story here. There are 4 parts.

All of that to say, that Charlotte’s entrance was exciting and full of emotions. Charlotte has a gentle spirit, an artist’s eye, a kind heart and an appetite for chicken wings. Every parent knows that their child is going to do great things and sometimes I wish I could hop into a time machine and much like Marty McFly, fast forward 10, 20 or 30 years to see how it all turns out. Each day is a window into who Charlotte was, who she is and all that she will become and I’m honored to be her daddy.

Happy 12th Birthday Charlotte Gray!

Oliver is 10

decennary de·​cen·​na·​ry, də̇ˈsenərē,

A period of ten years. This old English word was often used by British lawyers (or solicitors as they call them) and it is an appropriate word for today. Ten years ago Oliver James Hess was born in a hospital in Richmond, VA, but he almost was born in a 2011 Subaru Outback en route to a hospital in Richmond, VA.

We were living in a small rental home and were in the process of moving back to Cincinnati, OH, so we brought Oliver home to a cute little crib that fit in a closet…which he never slept in. Not because it wasn’t cute or comfortable. Melissa did a great job making the best of our temporary living situation and designed the cutest little area for Oliver to sleep…but he had other plans. He preferred to sleep on the overstuffed leather couches in our family room. Sometimes sleeping on the couch. Sometimes sleeping in his car seat, set on top of the couch. Maybe he sensed that we’d be moving soon, so he never wanted to get too comfortable in that house.

As I think about those days ten years ago, there were a lot of plates spinning. We moved back to Ohio when Oliver was just a few months old. Melissa began a new role as a professor at a University. We lived with my parents as we waited for our new home to be built. Charlotte was potty training. There was so much transition at that time in our life and to today, I think that set up Oliver in so many ways.

He’s easy going. He likes to keep it simple. He’s content in most situations and he typically has a smile on his face.

Oliver continues to enjoy the outdoors, soccer and anything with animals. After next year, he will be off to middle school with Charlotte. Melissa and I continue to enjoy raising these little humans who are quickly becoming young adults.

Happy Birthday Oliver James Hess!!!

Fall Fun

This fall has been a busy one for our family and as we progress into November, our calendar is getting lighter and lighter (hence why I am now posting about our fall fun).

The kids have been busy with school and sports:

Charlotte went to her first middle school dance with her fiends and followed that by a sleepover, they had a great time!


Oliver has been busy with soccer and learned a lot this season from his coach.

Early in the fall we took a trip to a local apple orchard, picked apples, explored the farm and then took a stop by a local pizza and ice cream joint that is located in a gas station. Everyone was happy, including June!

We of course had to visit the pumpkin farm before halloween and took all of the necessary yearly pictures.

For halloween this year we had a chicken farmer and a death eater, same as last year (when you like your costume, you like it!)

We ended the fall season with Thanksgiving for 30! Here comes the Christmas season!

Fall Beaching

The kids had a nice long fall break this year so we headed back down to Atlantic Beach with Grandpa and Tiki. The weather was lovely, the beach was pretty empty, and we got to go on a few little adventures.

Finding fun creatures…


Normal beach things…