quilt gift card for a dear friend

You know those friends that you meet and you just click immediately.  You are not sure why, you may not even have too much in common, but you just click.  I have one of those and today is her birthday.  We have worked together, been in bible studies together, book clubs, she is the one that I call when the husband is out of town, I have a fever and I am afraid to hold C because I am dizzy.  She is the one that will drive two hours with a screaming baby in the car just so I have someone to go crazy with.  She is great. She has wanted a quilt for some time, and she never seems to get one.  She has not had a baby recently or been married recently, so she has not received any quilt action.  Well, with me reflecting on how much she means to me and our family, I think it is about time.

I have a major problem though.  I am currently making two other quilts for birthdays and babies and I knew a couple of weeks ago that it was not going to get finished in time. So I decided to not even start it.  I thought I would really like for her to pick out the color scheme and the pattern so as it would be one of kind, just for her.  But what do you give someone saying I am going to make you a quilt?  A nice card?  A letter?  Nah, that is too  normal..how about a gift card of sorts?

I whipped up this simple and very small quilt in one Sunday afternoon.  Here is how it is done.

sew strips together...

cut strips into triangles...

match striped triangles with same sized solid triangles...

sew triangles to create squares...

sew all four squares together...

add side trimming...

print off message for back of quilt...

using an office lamp, trace message onto fabric using water soluble marker...

after embroidering back, quilt and bind...



Happy Birthday Beth!