2nd 1st day of preschool

It is back to school time at the Hess house. Professor Melissa headed back to school this afternoon, but not before Charlotte headed back to school for her second year of preschool this morning. Yes, that means that next year, Kindergarten will begin...don't get me started. Here are a couple pics of Charlotte that we took this morning and after picking her up.

She picked out her dress for the first day. It has doggies all over it. Oh, and her shoes light up too. You are only 4 once...right?


We may or may not have been eliciting smiles by flying pieces of candy into her mouth while shooting. Just a little tip if your kids aren't smiling.

She insisted we do a picture with "golden" her newest favorite stuffed animal. Charlotte can't wait to take golden to show and tell.

That's the Charlotte smirk we all know and love...

A shot by the brick wall at school.


Charlotte's teacher had a special box for Charlotte to keep all of her own supplies in...pretty cool!

Just checking things out...

Getting to work on her paper...

Parents brimming with pride after practicing writing her name every morning, all summer. And she nailed it!

And to cap things off...lunch at Skyline Chili...her favorite!

Ollie even got to partake.

And time to update the growth chart.

Mommy pointing out how much she's grown since last August.

And, "oggie too"