Oliver is 12

This past year has truly been an incredible and exciting time for Oliver. Middle School has brought him new experiences and challenges, and he has embraced them all with enthusiasm. He has enjoyed participating in band, traveling to various places, playing soccer, and spending quality time with family and friends. If there is one thing Ollie knows how to do exceptionally well…it is having fun. He has such a joyful and happy spirit, and he really enjoys trying out new things, while being outdoors as much as possible. With his great sense of humor, he has a unique talent for making us laugh and brightening our days.

As we approach another year, it is hard to ignore that our little boy is maturing; it feels like only one more year until the teenage years arrive. Depending on the day, I find myself wondering what to call him—little boy or little man? It has been amazing to witness him navigate Middle School with confidence, transforming into a student who genuinely cares about his own progress and grades. He has taken on the role of a little percussionist and can often be found tapping on anything and everything within reach. This year, he also tried futsal for the first time and is eagerly looking forward to the spring soccer season with his team. He has developed great friendships at school, and we couldn’t be more proud of the young man he is becoming.

Happy 12th Birthday, Oliver James!!!

Beach 2024

This year our beach experience was a little different as it was just the four of us that ventured down to the Outer Banks. We had a great week and enjoyed our time in one of our favorite places. We first hit Morgantown, WV for a little hiking, made our way to the Hess Lake House in NC and then to Atlantic Beach.

Here are some snippets of our adventures!

Charlotte is 13

Weren’t we just teenagers? It blows my mind to grasp the fact that Melissa and I now have a teenager. Melissa and I started dating at the age of 15, and so consequently, that is a point of reference for me. How can Charlotte be 13 already? Possibly two years away from meeting her husband…whoa…haha!!!

Charlotte was a handful as a baby. Sure, some of that was because it was our first time being parents and all, but some of that was because of the strong will and zest for life that Charlotte has. It has been so much fun over these past years to see those how those challenging traits as a toddler have turned into real strengths as a young lady. We are so proud of the things that Charlotte does. She does well in school. She plays the trumpet and piano well. She makes really cool art and has tons of creativity. She loves animals, is a great friend and she even likes her brother. But more than that, we are even more proud about who she is, and who she is becoming.

Happy Birthday Charlotte Gray. Every day with you is an adventure and your smile and kind heart are some of our favorite things about you.

Oliver is 11

Sporting events are often broken up into quarters, halves or even in hockey as three periods. As Oliver turns 11 this year, I can’t help but think that his first half of living in this house, with his parents is half way through. I think the average child doesn’t actually move out to until much later these days, but 11 is half way to 22 and that’s when I moved out, got married and moved 500 miles away from home.

Even though 11 isn’t a round number, this year feels different. Maybe is is because 11 is half way to 22, but I think that actually, it’s the fact that day by day, Oliver is transitioning from a boy in to a young man. Every once in a while I get a glimpse of a wiser and more mature Ollie. Every week that goes by the little boy diminishes and the grown up version increases. I was so excited when Oliver was born because I liked the idea of having one girl and one boy. One of each. What a fun journey so far!

It has been a joy to see all of the ways Ollie has grown already and while I know that I’ll miss the little boy, I think I’m more excited to see how the second half of the game goes. As parents we have two jobs. Give them roots and then give them wings. I can’t wait to see him learn to fly in the next 11 years.

Happy Birthday Oliver James!

Fall Break 2023

For our fall break adventures this year, we headed out west to Nevada and California. We hopped between four different locations and enjoyed each stop!

Our first stop was Lake Tahoe. This reminded us of Lake Louise. The hiking and views were excellent!

Next stop was Yosemite National Park. We drove from one end to the other to visit the grove of sequoia trees. We stopped several times along the way to take in the sights!

In Carson City we visited a train museum. Jay and Charlotte got to help move one of the trains on the turn table and we learned a lot from the people at the museum. It was like Thomas the Train in real life!

Our last stop was Reno. They had a great river walk and the best rooftop pool and hot tub combo we have ever seen. The kids really spent some time up there!