Easter wrap up

We had a great Easter this year. We took our annual trip to the Bass Pro Shop for a picture with the easter bunny. Dyed eggs and built peep houses (that was a new thing for us). The easter bunny treated us well and we got to spend time with all of the grandparents and cousins. We hope you had a great Easter too!

Charlotte is 8

We spent the weekend celebrating Charlotte’s birthday. We had family over on Friday evening and had friends over on Saturday. This year she wanted a puppy themed party and so that is what she got…haha. Her friends each got to adopt a stuffed puppy. They decorated a crate for their puppy, filled out an adoption certificate, named and made matching collars, made pinch pot water dishes and then sewed a bed for their puppies. Even the boys had fun running their pillows through the sewing machine. Charlotte loved being able to celebrate with her friends and family and we can’t believe 8 is here already. Happy birthday Charlotte Gray!

Oliver is 6

We caught some nice weather in early February, so we took Oliver down to the city to snap a few pictures. He has continued to be our fun and crazy little man. Kindergarten has been a great experience for him and we are continually blown away by how much he has already learned this year. Here’s to 6 years old!

We spent the weekend with family and friends celebrating Oliver’s birthday. Oliver loved getting to spend time with friends from school and doing all sorts of dino activities. Between digging, volcanoes and more dinosaurs than you can count, by the look of things, fun was had by all.

Love is in the air...

We had an exciting week between Valentine’s Day and our 3rd Daddy Daughter Dance. The kids began the 14th wearing their favorite Valentine shirts. For dinner, they made heart shaped pizzas and then we made our annual trip to Sweet Frog for ice cream and a special present from daddy.

On Friday evening, Charlotte and I got ourselves all dolled up. It was so much fun to pick out her corsage and then head to a very fancy dinner at Skyline Chili. I love getting to spend special time with Charlotte. We danced, had our picture taken and had a great time. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Christmas here and everywhere

Here are a few pictures from our Christmas season…

We were first in line at the Bass Pro Shop for pictures with Santa, so Charlotte stepped up to Santa’s door and got to give it a knock.

We always make Christmas cookies and this year the kids really outdid themselves. Oliver only decorated geese and Charlotte picked a bunch of animals and just put the word Christmas in front. So you can have a Christmas whale, a Christmas gecko, a Christmas turtle, a Christmas kangaroo and you get the idea.

We spent time at Grandpa and Gibby’s house on Sunday, then we spent time at Grandpa and Tiki’s house on Monday. The kids love hanging out with their cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

On Christmas Eve the kids labeled the carrots for the reindeer and set out some treats for Santa.

When we woke up on Christmas morning, the treats had been nailed and we spent a quiet morning opening presents and playing.

We headed to the Ortiz house later that day and the best part was the food and Jenga. Oliver’s facial expression were priceless.

We ended the day back at home playing with Legos.

Hope you had a great Christmas with family and friends.