Fall Beach Break

We had a wonderful opportunity to go spend the week working from the beach at Atlantic Beach this past week. The week was so nice, we spent each morning doing school until about lunchtime and then had fun going to the beach, aquarium, the Marine base where Grandpa use to work, Tryon Palace, and the skate park. Here is a few shots from our time at the beach.

Everyone missed the Aquarium when we were here earlier in the summer when they were closed, so we got to visit and see all of our fishy friends. One afternoon we split up and the girls went to Tryon Palace and the boys went to the base the Grandpa use to serve. Other afternoons we spent at one of their favorite places in Atlantic Beach, the skate park!

On one of of the last nights that we were in town, Grandpa took us on a dolphin and wild horse cruise! We got to see plenty of both and everyone loved it!


We had a great week at the beach and June had a great week at the Log with Grandpa and Gibby, but she was happy when we picked her up on the way home!

apple orchard 2020

One benefit of the kids choosing to participate in West Clermont Online Academy was the implementation of Fun Friday! Every Friday we finish our work and go do something fun! We have swam, hiked, fished, gone to the zoo, and this week we went to A & M Orchard to pick apples. We had the whole crew there and had a great time!

Norris Lake 2020

We spent the last couple of days social distancing away from the world at Norris Lake. We got to spend it with some of our favorites that we have seen during quarantine. Everyone had an amazing time and it was the kids first lake experience. The lake was beautiful and clear, the kids loved the pontoon that we rented while there, we tubed, paddle boarded, swam, flew through the air on rope swings, jumped off bridges, fished, Minecrafted our hearts out, and played with some of our favorite friends! Here are some of our favorite memories of our time at Lake Norris.

June 2020

To end out the last half of June 2020 we got to celebrate two important parts of our family. First June turned one, and then we got to celebrate Father’s Day.

Let’s start with June’s Birthday. June celebrated her first birthday in style at the Log Cabin (one of her favorite places) with some of her favorite family members. We had a hotdog buffet, presents, a doggy piñata filled with tennis balls, and of course cake for the birthday girl. Check out one of June’s best nights of her life!

About a week later we got to celebrate Father’s Day. We got to stop by both grandpa’s houses to visit them and bring them a little surprise and then later eat dinner with our sweet neighbors, the Robinson’s.

A week at the Beach

We spent a super fun week with Jay’s parents and his sister’s family in North Carolina this past week. The 4 cousins are at such good ages and they played together wonderfully. June got to test out her sea legs and thoroughly enjoyed herself. We made memories and all really appreciated being together after a long quarantine. Looking forward to next summer already!!!

The Annual Beach Photoshoot